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The Why

Next time you hear someone say Remember the Reason for the Season! Don't just remember Jesus was born on Christmas, or that it's actually about Jesus' Birthday. I mean that's good! But what does that really mean? It means that our Heavenly Father, all knowing, all understanding, all loving, all creating loves us so much. I mean we are the crown of His creation! Over all the mountains, oceans, animals, all the money in the world, he chose YOU and wants to be with YOU forever. With us being human, however, and having free will, we are broken and flawed. And we can't be with Him forever. Not on our own doing. So God, in all His sovereignty, gave up His only Son. His only CHILD. In order for us to be with him forever. So this season- and as much as you can the other 364 days of the year- remember WHY we celebrate Jesus. Yes He was born. But WHY was he born? (And FYI, I'm reminding myself of this as well!) Merry Christmas!

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